



Günther Friedrich is a school principal in the city of Salzburg and completed his education in his homeland of Waldviertel, as well as in Vienna and Linz. Since 2010, he has been living and working in Salzburg and is active with Stiftsmusik St. Peter and the Salzburg Bach Choir. Previously, he was a choir soloist with the Vienna Singakademie and the Albert Reiter Chamber Choir, and was a founding member of the Vienna Vocal Consort. He received his vocal training, among others, at the music school with Prof. Hermann Reiter (Waidhofen an der Thaya), Margareta Palm (Linz), Ingrid Sonnleithner, as well as Sylvia Saavedra-Edelmann and Peter Edelmann in Vienna.
Additionally, he has participated several times in master classes with KSin Gundula Janowitz. As part of his musical activities, he has performed with ensembles and choirs both as a soloist and in a choir in venues such as the Vienna Musikverein, the Konzerthaus Wien, and in countries including Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and South Africa.
Events with Günther Friedrich
There are no events with this artist planned with Peridot Salzburg until further notice.
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