



Peter Peinstingl was born in Innsbruck and grew up in East Tyrol. He studied conducting, organ and church music at the Universitiy of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, the Mozarteum University of Salzburg and the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz. His various foreign study experiences included a period spent in New York, where he met one of his most influential teachers, Paul Nadler. His encounters and collaboration with Nikolaus Harnoncourt contributed significantly to his understanding of music. In June 2016, he was appointed Organist and Director of Music at St Peter’s Abbey, Salzburg. Peinstingl is a member of the Advisory Board of Musicians in the DomQuartier Salzburg and Artistic Director of the Johann-Michael-Haydn-Gesellschaft Salzburg.
As a prize-winner of notable competitions, he is in high demand as a conductor, soloist and chamber musician, both at home and abroad. Numerous studio recordings, as well as productions for radio and television at national and international level, complete his artistic portfolio. In 2022, Peter Peinstingl founded the Ensemble Péridot Salzburg with a group of like-minded musicians. This young, dynamic ensemble seeks new pathways in its interpretations, in various vocal and instrumental constellations, and wants to create new perspectives through the linking of different artistic media.
Events with Peter Peinstingl
There are no events with this artist planned with Peridot Salzburg until further notice.
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